- Tour information
What's included
Tour guide in Istanbul:
When you book a car with a driver in Istanbul, we do not need a tour guide, because Istanbul drivers will be a guide and representative of the company and help you to arrange your trip,
We will provide you with drivers who speak Arabic in addition to Turkish, drivers who speak English, and all drivers are experienced and reliable.
What are the places that you can travel to with the car that our company leases for you?
As for you, as with any tourist visiting a country for the first time, you will be somewhat concerned about what your destination will look like in different parts of the city; And because it might be your first visit to Turkey; You will feel anxious about it all; Especially since the cities of Turkey are never small and need a person with experience and full knowledge of their regions, but do not worry, Al-Helo Tourism Company in Turkey will solve all your problems and remove your anxiety. It will provide you with the driver with long experience who will be your companion in visiting the list of places that I have prepared in advance.
And your destination that you will take with the driver of our company may include many areas, such as museums, malls, public parks, city games, popular markets, rural places and many other areas.
A timeline will be drawn up and arranged by the company with your consent, based on the period of your visit to Turkey.
Features of car rental with driver in Istanbul Turkey with Hilo Tours!
It is our policy to strive to provide the most appropriate service to the customer in the best quality, at the best prices, and in a manner that achieves his satisfaction. We always strive to provide qualified and experienced drivers
In addition to providing high-quality cars to be suitable for the needs of the tourist and comfortable for him at the same time.
In addition to all of this, commitment and great discipline is one of the company’s first priorities in its dealings with customers, so that our company is keen to achieve customer satisfaction by committing to time with him in a manner that ensures his comfort and avoids his notice of lack of responsibility.
Among the other most important reasons that make El Helo the best choice for you is the experience of the drivers who are hired; So that they enjoy great competence as mentioned earlier in addition to being a high degree of respect and sophistication in dealing.
For reservations and inquiries